About Monique

USA Today Best selling Author Monique Singleton writes compelling stories that mix fantasy and science fiction with realistic psychological suspense and unique insights into the mind of the main characters.
As the daughter of a British soldier and his Dutch wife, Monique was born in an English military hospital in Germany. The family toured the world where she was exposed to different cultures in many countries. Finally settling down in the Netherlands she pursued a career in Art and later in ICT.
In 2017 Monique started to put the scenes she had running around in her head, to paper. Scenes led to a story, the story to a book, and the first book to a series.
She currently has multiple series in the Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror genres. She even wrote a hilarious fairy-tale retelling called Snow White and the Seven Wolves.
In addition to her writing, Monique still holds down a full-time job as a business consultant. She lives in a beautiful old farmhouse in the south of Holland with her two sloppy monster dogs, some horses, and two cats.
The cats are the boss.

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